Howell JROTC Cadets walk the halls of Howell High school one last time before beginning their new lives in adulthood. MI-20141 wishes them all a successful life ahead.
Senior Walk
May. 24th
Awards Banquet
May. 16th
On May 16th, Cadets attended the Annual Awards Banquet where the 2017-2018 year cadets were awarded for their hard work and dedication to their community, their nation, and MI-20141. Special Guests of honor attended as we presented a check to the President of the Camp liberty Foundation, which helps veterans reintegrate into civilian live through the outdoors. The program also held the Changing of Command Ceremony where C/ COL. Peddie handed over the position of Corps Commander to C/ 1LT. Hunter.
Military ball
Mar. 10th
On March 10th, MI-20141 held their Fourth Annual Military Ball at Chemung Hills Golf Course. Cadets and their dates enjoyed an evening of socializing, fine dining, and dancing to finish the night. The event continues to be a favorite for many cadets in the program and the tradition of the Military Ball is sure to continue.
Bowling night
Feb. 24th
AFJROTC Cadets spent their Friday night having fun bowling with other cadets from the program. An evening raffle and pizza party was also brought into the mix.
Howell drill meet
Feb. 3rd
On February 2nd, Howell MI-20141 hosted its 2nd annual Drill Meet at Highlander Way Middle School. JROTC Units from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan participated in events such as Armed IDR, Unarmed IDR, and Color Guard.
2nd annual wing ding
Feb. 2nd
Howell Drill Cadets along with cadets from other JROTC units participated in the Annual "Wing Ding", where teams competing in Howell MI-20141's Drill Meet get together the night before to have a non-competitive get together. The cadets ate pizza, played basketball, and had a dodge ball tournament.
Jan. 27th
Howell MI-20141 Cadets were able to attend the annual Lock-In at Howell high School's Field House. There they had dodgeball, volleyball. inflatables, and even threw pies at Cadet Leadership. While the cadets did not stay the whole night, they did enjoy creating new and lasting memories with their teammates.
JROTC Christmas Celebration
Dec. 20th
Cadets had a pizza party on the last day of school to celebrate the 1st place award the JROTC earned for coming in first place for the canned food drive. The cadets also had a gift exchange and raffle, and some alumni cadets visited the program.
Tree Decorating
Nov. 29th
Cadets helped decorate Christmas Trees for the holidays at the HIVE Youth Center, the cadets were able to serve their community while having fun.
Veterans day ceremony
Nov. 11th
On November 11th, Cadets traveled uptown to the Howell Courthouse and attended the Veterans Day Ceremony. There they handed out letters to veterans and had an ice cream/hot coco social afterwards.
Veterans Day Assembly
Nov. 10th
On November 10th, Veterans, Cadets, and students attended the Howell High School Veterans Day Ceremony. AFJROTC Students provided a color guard and C/ LT. Col. Peddie was the M.C. of the event.
Ted Talk
Nov. 10th
Cadet Jakob Ferris had the opportunity to speak to a group of teachers and students on November 10th for the Howell High School TED X Event. He talked about breaking down group stereotypes as well as looking at the great accomplishments that many organizations have despite having bad stereotypes. Cadet Ferris used his JROTC experiences in MI-20141 to show how stereotypes have affected him and those around him.
Mid View Drill Meet
Oct. 3rd-4th
On October 3rd, 2017 the Howell High School Drill Team traveled to Mid View High School in Grafton, OH where they competed against several teams. In addition to going to the meet, cadets visited the International Women's Air and Space Museum.
Fort Custer CIA
Trip Nov. 3rd
The Howell AFJROTC Program took a trip to Fort Custer National Guard Base in Battle Creek, MI. The Cadets spent time developing leadership and teamwork abilities through obstacles. Cadets also learned to conquer their fears and had the chance to eat Meals Ready-to-Eat (MRE).
Cyber Patriot Field Trip
Oct. 30th
The Cyber Patriot Team took a Field Trip to Worksighted on October 30th. There they found expert advice on cyber security and computer security.
Silver Lake Orienteering Meet
Oct. 22nd
Cadets traveled to Silver Lake where they competed against other teams that wee trying to get through the course first. Navigating through a series of trails, the team came in first place against the six other teams.
Anchor Bay Drill Meet
Oct. 21st
The Howell Air Force Junior ROTC Drill Team traveled to Anchor Bay High School where they spent the day competing against several other JROTC units. The team placed in almost every event and finished 1st overall.
Howell Nature Halloween Center Volunteering
Oct. 20th-21st
On October 21st and 22nd, Howell AFJROTC Cadets volunteered at Howell Nature Center dressed in various costumes. There, they set up for the event and passed out candy to children in attendance.
Hike With LT. COL. FRANZ
Oct. 13th
Friday, October 13th Cadets were able to go on a hike with LT. Col. Franz through the woods by Hell Survivors.
Homecoming Game
Oct. 6th
On Friday, October 6th Howell high School had its Homecoming Game. During halftime, the Homecoming Court walked down the 5o Yard-line through the Howell High School Marching Band's Color guard and an arch of sabers presented by Air Force JROTC Cadets.
Homecoming Parade
Oct. 6th
Howell AFJROTC Cadets had the opportunity to march in the Homecoming Parade. The National Guard allowed a select few cadets ride in their armored vehicles for the duration of the parade.
Golf Outing
Sep. 30th
The Howell AFJROTC Program held their 2nd Annual Golf Outing to raise proceeds to fund uniforms, field trips, and other needs. Here cadets in attendance helped event run smoothly.