Cadet Kick Off
Cadets spent the day playing fun team sports and meeting other cadets.
i-Fly Trip
The cadets of MI-20141 get to experience indoor skydiving at the iFly wind tunnel.
7th Annual Golf Outing
Howell MI-20141 cadets participated in running its 7th Annual Golf Outing.
9/11 Memorial Stair-Climb
Cadets participated in a flag folding ceremony followed by the stair climb around the school, after which they placed flags in the lawn as a memorial.
Paintball at Hell Survivors
The cadets played paintball at hell survivor.
Howl-O-Ween at Howell Nature Center
Our cadets handed out candy to kids at the Howell Nature Center's Howl-O-Ween.
Combat Dining In (CDI)
The CDI let the cadets compete in teams while learning about the military customs that are expected at a Combat Dining In.
Howell MI-20141's fitness team.
Springfield Drill Meet