Aubrey Ordway is a junior of the 2025 class. Following the Unit Evaluation of 2023-2024, cadet Ordway has earned the Top Performer Award. In each inspection year, following the unit earning Distinguished Unit with Merit, a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population is capable of having one third year cadet receive this prestigious award. For her work in running major unit events such as Combat-Dining-In and Military Ball for two consecutive years, participating in several LDRs each year, and working in several staff positions- as our current Deputy Group Commander, she is more than deserving of this award.

John Runyan III is a Senior of the 2024 class. He has had many great accomplishments in our program as the LDR Squadron Commander, a Flight commander, and as the Raiders Captain. Recently he received the prestigious AFJROTC J-100 Character-in-Leadership Scholarship. The J-100 Scholarship is awarded to 100 cadets nationwide and is a four-year, full-ride scholarship to any college with an AFJROTC program; including free room and board. He also applied for Flight Academy where he plans to earn his Private Pilot's license! He plans to become an Air Force pilot.

Gage Tuer is a Senior of the class of 2024. As the Group Commander, cadet Lt. Col. Tuer stands as a symbol of leadership within Howell High School's Air Force JROTC program. From assuming pivotal roles as Operations Squadron Commander and Training Squadron Commander to his current position as Group Commander, Tuer has consistently showcased unwavering dedication and exceptional leadership skills. Under his guidance, the Varsity Color Guard team earned a notable victory, securing first place in the Michigan-Wide Drill Competition. His adept command as Drill Commander propelled the drill team to earn several 1st and 2nd place trophies throughout the 2023-2024 drill season. Beyond these achievements, Tuer's impact extends to mentoring fellow cadets in various staff positions and orchestrating significant events such as the Awards Banquet and the Howell Annual Drill Meet. Notably, Tuer's remarkable leadership prowess was Nationally recognized when he was honored as Top Cadet of the State, a distinction reflecting his outstanding contributions to the Air Force JROTC community.

Jaidah Davis is a Senior of the 2023 class. She has received the Region 2 Cadet of the Year Award, a very prestigious award. When she was asked how receiving these made her feel, she said that it put things into perspective for her. That she never thought that she would ever get these, especially not knowing what the Cadet of the Year award was and the low acceptance rate (only 15%) for Flight Academy this year. To prepare for Flight Academy, she worked very hard to keep her grades up and made sure to stay in good shape. For Cadet of the Year, she simply worked incredibly hard all year. She hopes to use the experience at Flight Academy to get into the US Air Force Academy. Tips Davis gave us were to try in school. To turn in missing work and keep the top of your game. And try to stay fit, because it looks good and keeps you healthy! When asked if a hotdog was a sandwich or not, she said it in fact was not, but that it was a taco because it's meat surrounded on 3 sides that sometimes has condiments and cheese.

Jacob McKee is a Senior of the 2022 class who got accepted to the US Air Force Preparatory Academy. When we asked him how it felt to be accepted into the Academy, he said that it felt rewarding after all the work he put into it. To prepare, he trained physically and pushed himself out of his comfort zone into leadership positions. He plans to serve over 20 years, and hopes to serve in a special operations officer position. When asked what tips he had, he said not to get discouraged. Even if something doesn't go your way, try to stay on course of what you want. And as of whether a hotdog is a sandwich or not, he had no comment.

Clara Jackson was MI-20141's Deputy Commander during the 2021-2022 school year! Cadet Jackson received a Type One Air Force ROTC scholarship before graduating in 2022. She will be attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ to study Aerospace Engineering, all paid for by the United States Force! After college, Cadet Jackson hopes to become a pilot for the Air Force. In order to earn the scholarship, Cadet Jackson had to complete a rigorous application process. The process included many things, such as an interview, physical fitness test, and more. Cadet Jackson recommends that each cadet gives everything their all, because you never know what can happen in the end. As she always says: 'Work hard, party harder'. When asked if a hot dog was a sandwich, it was a strict 'NO!'.